Tag Archives: Occupational Safety

Collateral Duty Safety Officer of the Year

13 Oct

TSA OSHE is pleased to announce that Lymari Mendez-Mounier was selected as the Collateral Duty Safety Officer of the Year for Fiscal Year 2011 among all Category X airport nominations.

 The Collateral Duty Safety Officer of the Year award was given to only one CDSO within each airport category for a total of five awards. The Office of Occupational Safety, Health, and Environment (OSHE) reviews nominations in the award categories for outstanding achievement in the advancement of the TSA Occupational Safety and Health Program during Fiscal Year 2011. 

The individual nominated has demonstrated exceptional and dynamic leadership in promoting and sustaining the local occupational safety and health program over the current fiscal year. Specifically, the nominee has:

  • Demonstrated personal leadership through creating and sustaining a culture of safety that is inclusive of all employees and operational activities.
  • Implemented effective and innovative OSH strategies that improved management’s ability to identify and abate hazards.
  • Facilitated OSH program accountability and improvement through evaluation and monitoring.
  • Increased safety awareness and communication within the local OSH program.

This award includes a cash award of $1000 , a crystal trophy, and a certificate to be signed by Karen Shelton Waters, TSA Designated Safety and Health Official / Chief Administrative Officer.  

Again, congratulations to Lymari for such a commendable achievement!